Mycosis or athlete's foot fungus is highly contagious illness that is difficult to treat. Medical statistics show that every fifth person suffers from this problem. reatment of the fungus is best left to medical experts. Specialists can test and confirm the fungal infection, as well as determine the type of athlete's foot. Athlete's foot usually starts to develop in the skin between the toes. When the infection spreads onto toenails, they become thick and distorted.
Most often infection with mycosis happens after walking barefoot on a wet floors (e.g. in swimming pools, shared bathrooms, and other similar wet areas) and by sharing slippers, shoes, towels, and socks with others.

Mycosis is more common amongst people who are prone to sweating of the feet. When bacterial infections develop, this results in further bad foot odour.

Symptoms of fungal infections:

- Rough, cracking and peeling skin.

- Itching, burning, sometimes rash and bleeding.

- Nail plate, yellow or brown, becomes crumbly.

- Sweaty feet odour.

Below are some tips on how to protect yourself and get rid of athlete's foot, which is not only unsightly cosmetically, but can lead to serious illness:

–          Wear comfortable shoes from natural materials and if possible open shoes. Alternate common type of shoes, leave them in the open for ventilation. At least 1 time per month disinfect shoes with a specialized detergent. Use  Fresh test - Foot Sprayas well as on the skin of the legs and on the inner surface of the shoes. It contains alcohol and salicylic acid which will disinfect the shoe and remove odours.  Фреш тест – спрей обезмирисител за обувки.

–          Disinfect your socks. Cotton socks are the best. They should be ironed inside and out. After washing nylon tights and socks soak them in a vinegar solution or disinfectant, before rinsing. Use Fresh test - foot powderthat absorbs excess moisture and protects the skin from irritation and inflammation. Put the powder between the toes and on the soles before putting socks or sandals.  

–          Good foot hygiene, on a regular basis. Wash and fully dry your feet, keeping your pedicure in a good shape. Use detergents that remove dead skin cells, kill fungi, reduce perspiration and deodorize. I recommend:

Fresh test - foot lotion for sensitive and damaged skin. Alcohol free. Herbal complex with a high content of tannins decreased sweating and strengthens the skin, urea and formalin peel away dead skin cells and remove fungus.  

Fresh test - Foot Spray with aluminium chloride, which closes the sweat glands and reduces sweating of the feet. Alcoholic solution containing salicylic acid and menthol spray kills the fungus and deodorizes.

Fresh test - foot cream to soften and moisturize the skin. Rough dry skin is more vulnerable to cracking and infection.

Fresh test - Foot powder drying and prevention with anti-inflammatory ingredient silicon oxide..

Fungilek for fungal nail infection, which contains propolis, tea tree oil and salicylic acidApplied once daily to the affected nail for a longer period to grow a new claw.

Additional tips using alternate medicine:

Immerse feet in cool water with added Tea tree oil (10-20 drops) for about 20-30 minutes, which thoroughly cleanses and disinfects. For strong-smelling feet make a foot bath, adding to the above 5 drops of lavender oil and 5 drops of peppermint oil.Use pure tea tree oil or mixed with almond butter, spreading onto affected areas of the skin, where the fungal infection is present (between toes, on heels, etc.). Can be applied with a cotton swab. Apply pure Tea Tree Oil or mixed with Almond oil to smear areas of skin on the feet that are affected by a fungal infection (between the toes, heels, etc.). Apply with an ear stick. Tampons soaked with  Dr. Bee – EERECL tincture (extract of propolis)on a daily basis onto nails affected by the fungus. This will result in healthy nails and skin.